I wish you would send out email comms that are actually tailored to if you are registered on the Australian site or the NZ site.
Currently all your email comms comes from the Australian email address and contain information relating to the Australian site even if the users account is a NZ one. e.g. you send an email saying that some of my wishlist items are on sale and provide a link...to the Australian site where I don't have an account. So I then have to navigate to the NZ site, log in and see if they are still on sale. This isn't a great experience and I don't really bother looking at the wishlist sale updates anymore as it is a hassle.
Your promotions are also sometimes ones that NZers are not eligible for. Like the email I got today for the Nivea shopping spree that is only available for Aust residents. Please send me promos that are only applicable for NZ residents.
I realise you probably just set up an NZ url and tweaked the AU site by adding in NZD pricing etc as it is a quick way to get into the market and test to see the potential for growth but it is time to improve the user experience for your NZ customers. It is particularly noticeable since other aspects of the experience e.g. returns etc are so good.