Really good site but have a few suggestions for improvement
better birthday voucher, I rarely feel inclined to use my birthday discount as I don’t think it is very different from waiting for a sale. Maybe 50% discount on any single item would be better. Store credit that can be saved up would also be pretty nice.
shoes with actual feet modelling them instead of just the product on a plain background, they are difficult to properly visualise otherwise
more models modelling lingerie
better photography lighting, I remember buying a pair of shoes that look silver but turned out to be mid grey.
loyalty points in exchange for store credit to make purchases with would be nice. I’ve been a loyal customer of the iconic for 4 years and spend thousands a year on the site. It would be nice to get a little something back based on how much you spend or maybe have spending levels for example spending $500 in a year will be level 1, spending $850 a year will be level 2 etc.
a printed returns card to make returns easier. Not everyone has time and easy access to a printer.
longer times for returns. 60-100 days is ideal.
for non returnable items please allow size exchange because the sizing charts are not always accurate.
maybe an “exclude” check box in the filters. I’m not a plus size so plus size brands do not interest me and they clutter up the preview thumbnails whenever they are brought in since I sort by New items.
some solid gold jewellery instead of gold plated as I have allergic reactions to gold plated jewellery.
more timeless, classic, unique styles would be nice, brands like Sandro, Maje, Saba, Friend of Audrey, Maison Margiela (coats), Camilla and Marc, Hansen & Gretel (their slip dresses are especially nice), Acne studios (floral hosiery like Black / Purple Niola S Flower), Yohji Yamamoto (coats), the great eros (lingerie and sleepwear)
please bring in less low quality rip off brands like Free People
better clothing curator. Some of the brands have really nice clothing items but you end up bringing in the worst looking times in the line. Some items just straight up make me go wtf, who would ever wear that?

Liza commented
Definitely agree with better photography. I have bought quite a few things which looked one way online, and turned out to be comepltely different in person. Agree with the angles too. Adding in videos of each product would be a good start.
Sue Key commented
I’ve NEVER received a birthday voucher? Is this something new?
Anonymous commented
I agree with the suggestion for a better clothing curator. Sometimes the items makes it look like they are sale items only or something you'd get at a factory outlet.
Anonymous commented
All good suggestions. Especially for the vip customer loyalty scheme
Anonymous commented
Some of their brands have become stale, they need to have a curator that always looks around for better brands and fresh looks to bring in.
Anonymous commented
Yes to including images of shoes on models to get a better idea of the style/fit
Wesley commented
Should bring in good menswear too. We’re often neglected..
Wesley commented
Nicely summed up my thoughts
Moishe commented
Please allow reviews or at least star ratings and also more models modelling stuff like shoes and lingerie. I buy a lot of lingerie but obviously some doesn’t fit or look as nice as standalone and we can’t return so please have them modelled. I like that we can make separate payments I use that function a lot.
Anonymous commented
Instead of excluding certain things maybe just an exclude function for brands? So that if you don’t want curvy or plus size brands you can just exclude them from the results. Like atmos curvy or mango Violeta. I think excluding plus size items is more complicated. Not to say there’s anything wrong with plus size but since I don’t need it I don’t really want to go through an entire list of plus size clothing from a brand or brand subset that only does plus size items because it’s not applicable to me. Same thing with being able to exclude maternity wear brands since I don’t need it and it’ll still be available for those who do.
Amanda commented
I don’t understand when they have description that says model usually wears a size 8/s but in the drop down the sizing is 2 to 10.
Anonymous commented
Yes to actual models modelling lingerie and shoes. Those are so hard to picture on the body whenever I see some that I like I don’t dare to buy cause it is not modeled and the lingerie can’t be returned for hygiene purposes.
Anonymous commented
To add to this list I think products (especially clothes) should have a standard back, front, side view of the models. Some of the photo sets taken only show detail shots and a single full body shot out of like 5 photos in the set. And the worst is when the one lone full body view is of the clothing being blown by the wind. Like yes I get it, very pretty and artistic but can I just have a look at what it normally looks like from the front or side? I like the shots of clothing detail but that shouldn’t be the entire photo set. Makes me wonder if the photographer ever shopped online before.
Anonymous commented
Being allowed to review clothes (especially for sizing/fit and sheer-ness) would be good.
Anonymous commented
Being allowed to review clothes (especially for sizing/fit and sheer-ness) would be good.